Jun 29, 2011

Pedal Power - 4

Pedal powered temple and behind it is a temple-bullock-cart. Bringing gods to your doorstep.

Pedal Power - 3

Pedal powered advertising hoarding. This one is equipped with a battery to light up the display.

Pedal Power - 2

Pedal powered knife sharpener. Knives, scissors sharpened at your door step. The bicycle is equipped with a display shelf too.

Notice the red string that transmits power from the wheel to grinder.

Pedal Power - 1

Pedal powered goods carrier. This one has a payload of about 100Kgs.

Jun 16, 2011

Punjab to Kashmir

Apart from the main message, there's also one in black paint (the badly painted letters)
तोता उड़ा पंजाब से, जा पहुँचा कश्मीर!
मिलने को दिल करता है मिलने न देती तकदीर।

प्यार करने वालो कि किस्मत बुरी होती (है)
हर मुलाकात से जुदाई जुडी होती (है)
वक्‍त मिले तो पढ लेना दोस्ती कि किताब
दोस्ती हर मुआयने मे मुहब्बत से बडी होती है