Mar 12, 2011

Wanted: Gabbar

Back in the heydays of the dot-com boom (2000), Cash2Cash and even Bombay2Goa could have been business models for dot-com companies. With cool shortened versions like C2C/B2G and some luck, perhaps they could've even struck a pot of VC gold too.

Mar 7, 2011

We meet again 'n again

The auto-rickshaw in this post suggested that those in a hurry were all gone. While this auto reveals where they  might have gone.

[Click on the image to view the details]

धिरे-धिरे चलोगे तो बार-बार मिलोगे
तेज चलोगे तो हरिद्वार मिलोगे

What would be the equivalent of Haridwar for other religions?

Mar 3, 2011

On life and death

Words of wisdom from a trucker.